Thursday, February 20, 2020

Best Female Comedians, Women Stand Up Comedy Stars

Female Comedian Jane Jenkins Herlong’s blend of Southern humor and folksy wisdom is just priceless… The more generic, suburban and bland our culture gets, the more precious genuine Southern culture like this becomes.You were excellent! You were professional, funny, light and very well-received by the group. Not to mention your wonderful voice! Jane, you were a perfect choice! I have heard nothing but positive remarks from our employees!

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Top Female Motivational Speakers | Book Now

Jane is dedicated to empowering audiences with her secrets to achieve success through humor, honesty and hard work. These lessons led her to overcome her struggles of having dyslexia, being bullied and called homely, Energize your next event and give your attendees the tools to say, “NEXT!” when told “no!” with the female motivational speaker Janeherlong that leaves a long-lasting impression filled with pizazz, personality and positivity! Jane is the perfect fit for Keynotes Opening or Closing Events Luncheons or Dinners Women’s Groups & Church Events